
Faith at Our Lady of Grace School

God is the center and focus of Our Lady of Grace School. Our students explore and understand their faith through academic classes that focus on the scriptures, sacraments, morality, church history and traditions. Catholic Identity is reflected in our school mission, in our SLE’s, throughout the curriculum, our virtue in education program and events that occur throughout the year. Opportunities are provided for reception of the sacraments, retreats, celebrations of the liturgical seasons and prayerful reflection on students’ personal faith journeys.

Faith Families

All Our Lady of Grace students belong to a Faith Family. Each family includes students from virtually all grade levels and an OLG teacher. Families work together throughout the year in Faith Family activities, sit together at Mass and learn about the liturgical seasons. Family members support each other throughout the year and form special friendships across grade-levels.

Sacramental Preparation

Students at Our Lady of Grace who are Baptized and have had at least 2 years of Sacramental Preparation may participate in Sacramental Celebrations. Most students at OLG receive Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade and Confirmation in Eighth Grade. Celebrations take place at OLG Parish Church in conjunction with the children participating in the Parish Sacramental Preparation programs.

School Mass

Our Lady of Grace students participate in a variety of Mass settings. Family members and parishioners are always welcome to join us! The Diocese has mandated that anyone attending Mass on school grounds during the school day will need to complete both Lives Scan Fingerprinting and Safe Haven Training. More information to come on how the school will help familes and parishioners get both items completed.

All School Masses

All students attend Mass in the hall on scheduled Fridays and on other days of obligation. Students gather in their Faith Families for All School Masses

Chapel Masses

Individual Classes attend Mass in the OLG Chapel on scheduled Fridays

Family Masses

Students attend scheduled OLG School family Masses on the weekends.

Campus Ministry

The Our Lady of Grace Campus Ministry’s mission is to share the Catholic values of faith, love, and service with Our Lady of Grace School and community. OLG student and faculty members meet weekly to plan many schoolwide events that focus on our Catholic faith. The group plans prayer services, service projects, and lead their peers in faith-filled activities.

Our Lady of Grace Church

Church Mission: We are a welcoming Eucharistic Community nourished by the Word of God, committed to extend Christ’s unconditional love to ALL.

Our Lady of Grace Church OLG Church is located at 911 Park Boulevard in West Sacramento. For additional information, you can contact the parish office by calling (916) 371-4814 or emailing [email protected]

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